We've got your full schedule of special no-scare, low-scare, actor-free, full atmosphere haunt events at local Haunted Houses and Haunted Trails!
These events offer a unique opportunity to enjoy the haunt scenes, the artistry, and the atmosphere without concern for being scared or startled!
Parental note: Haunt scene decor and props often remain in place so be advised that scenes may still display content of a graphic or horror nature.
♦ Click on the attraction name for a full list of features, contact info, and more! ♦
No Scare Day Event - Maineiac Manor (Bangor, ME) - details
No Scare Day Event - Maineiac Manor (Bangor, ME) - details
Lights-on Tours of Barrett's Haunted Mansion (Abington, MA) - details
No Scare Day Event - Maineiac Manor (Bangor, ME) - details
Trauma-Free Night at The Dark Woods (Milford, NH) - details
No Scare Day Event - Maineiac Manor (Bangor, ME) - details
No-Scare Night at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details
Fright Night LITE at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Lights-on Tours of Barrett's Haunted Mansion (Abington, MA) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Trauma-Free Night at The Dark Woods (Milford, NH) - details
Fright Night LITE at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
No-Scare Night at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Lights-on Tours of Barrett's Haunted Mansion (Abington, MA) - details
Low-Scare Haunt Matinee at The Dark Manor (Baltic, CT) - details
No-Scare Daytime Walk-through at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Low-Scare Haunt Matinee at The Dark Manor (Baltic, CT) - details
No-Scare Night at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details
Fright Night LITE at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Low-Scare Haunt Matinee at The Dark Manor (Baltic, CT) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
Lights-on Tours of Barrett's Haunted Mansion (Abington, MA) - details
No-Scare Daytime Walk-through at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details
Daytime Haunt at Haunted Overload (Lee, NH) - details
No-Scare Daytime Walk-through at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details
Low-Scare Haunt Matinee at The Dark Manor (Baltic, CT) - details
No-Scare Halloween Night at Haunted Grandview Manor (Lebanon, ME) - details