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Event Info



663 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04401

No-Scare Event at Maineiac Manor

During the No Scare Event, guests will experience all that Maineiac Manor has to offer, including teasing of the senses–sight, sound, and smell…yes, smell! However, there will be no live actors to jump and scare our guests. There will be staff members available to answer questions and to guide our guests through the Haunt.

The advantage of attending the No Scare Event is that guests are allowed the opportunity to take in all the many sights and incredibly elaborate details that await inside the Haunt. No Scare Event also gives parents the opportunity to have children experience this haunt without the jumps and scares from the actors.
However, animatronics, FX lighting, strobes, and fog will be present.

Maineiac Manor does not have a minimum age requirement. It is solely at the discretion of the parent for their child to attend, as every parent knows their child best.

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Event Times

There are no upcoming dates scheduled for this event.